Friday, October 22, 2010

He is My King... Who's yours?

I heard this song over and over again on radio many times while I was riding' on a public van going to work. The song was a bit jumpy and nice to hear, a good sound to hear on a busy and on a hurry morning. But as the song goes a long, I was a bit hesitant to sing a long with it.. The words are bothering.... The lyrics goes like , "who made you king of anything... who died and...." something like that. In my opinion, the lyrics is some kind of a slander to my faith. The songs talks a bout someone who pursuits a person in making things right, but the song disagrees with whoever this person and addressed the person as a self proclaimed king and savior. I don't know what the real message the composer or maybe the singer is addressing the lyrics at but I find it too blasphemous. So when I arrived at work, I searched through the internet who the singer is. She's Sarah Bareilles, raised from a Catholic family. I am just wondering (since we share same faith) did she ever thought reading the lyrics first before including it in her album? Though she may have no  intention to degrade our  religion (or was it my religion?), as a responsible artist she may have selected the songs she sings and produce (yes, she is also a producer). 

To those who were also offended by her song please pass...
To Sarah, if ever you had a chance to read this: you lost one fan... Please do not mock my God...
To those who share same sentiments with me, please pass...


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